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See Halle Berry Taking Naked Selfies In The Shower

Halle Berry poses in a steamed mirror in a spacious shower.

Halle Berry knows what will break the Internet, and it is not very complicated: pictures of the Academy Award-winning actress naked in a steamy shower. In pictures posted to the star’s verified Twitter account, Halle Berry is seen taking selfies in what appears to be a foggy mirror in a very large shower. The caption to the post reads “hump day self love,” so it can be inferred that the Moonfall actress was really feeling herself on some recent Wednesday. 

Halle Berry is quite active on social media (as are many gorgeous celebrities these days, having seen an opportunity to interact with their fans directly), with her Twitter currently having over 811 thousand followers and her Instagram boasting an even more impressive 8.2 million. However, the Twitter followers were lucky enough to get these two pics of Halle Berry, both of which see her sporting a short, tightly curled hairstyle and hugging herself across the chest for some skin coverage. 

It is unclear exactly where Halle Berry is taking these selfies, but the shower appears to be the size of a decently-sized studio apartment. Berry is an enormously successful actress with roles in both critically acclaimed films and huge blockbusters, and it looks like she has parlayed that in part into one of the more spacious shower stalls on planet Earth.

That said, it is entirely possible that the space in which she is taking these steamy photos is not Halle Berry’s personal shower. The actress recently posted a video of her latest workout (as well as a directive to follow along on rē•spin, the “digital health, awareness, and wellness community” she co-founded) to Instagram, revealing an intense regimen that no doubt requires a locker room shower afterward. 


Halle Berry stated that she was facing “a physical challenge like none before” in training for her upcoming movie Never Let Go (previously reported to be titled Mother Land). In the film, Berry will portray a mother desperate to protect her twin sons from a mysterious, apparently supernatural force stalking them; given that it is being described as a psychological thriller, the plot is probably a little more complicated than just a monster movie, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Halle Berry’s most recent public appearance was at the 95th Academy Awards ceremony, where she and Jessica Chastain presented the Award for Best Actress to Michelle Yeoh, who won for her role in the critically acclaimed Everything Everywhere All at Once. While the Best Actress Award is customarily presented by the winner of the previous year’s Award for Best Actor, the last recipient, Will Smith, has been banned from Academy events. As such, Berry and Chastain (both winners of Best Actress) filled in for the evening. 

But while Halle Berry unquestionably looks amazing in Academy Awards red carpet attire (not to mention the famed Vanity Fair after-party), we feel pretty confident in saying she absolutely slays just in her shower outfit. Thankfully, Berry seems fine with proving that herself.

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