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Sofia Vergara legs

See Sofia Vergara Running And Bouncing In Slow Motion

Sofia Vergara created a funny video of her running that shows the difference between social media and reality, which the Modern Family actress posted on Instagram. “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!” jokes Sofia…

 419 total views

Sofia Vergara Is Busty And Bold In Sexy Checkered Dress

Sofia Vergara wore a busty black and white checkered dress to the taping of Carol Burnett’s 90th birthday comedy special, Carol Burnett: 90 Years of Laughter + Love. Sofia Vergara regularly dazzles fans at every red carpet event. This week…

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See Sofia Vergara In Low Cut Bodice And Sunglasses

Sofia Vergara shows off a royal blue pantsuit with a tight, low-cut bodice and designer sunglasses in this social media post. Sofia Vergara is one of the most gorgeous women in Hollywood (or anywhere else, for that matter). If you ever need…

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See Sofia Vergara In A Sexy String Bikini

Sofia Vergara sure knows how to celebrate Throwback Thursday. Throwback Thursday is the weekly ritual where people post videos or pictures of what they looked like some years ago. Vergara participates quite a lot, which is a delight for her…

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See Sofia Vergara Show Off Skin Next To A Sports Car

Actor and television personality Sofia Vergara is known for hilarious and sultry performances onscreen, but it’s her social media habits that tend to get the Colombian-born beauty the most attention. Her previous work as Gloria Pritchett on ABC’s Modern Family is often…

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See Sofia Vergara Having Foot Fetish And Her Foot Been Licked

It’s often that celebrities must go through some awful instances in their first movies and shows to make it to the big time. That might certainly have been the case for Sofia Vergara, who treated the world to a throwback…

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See Sofia Vergara In A Low Cut Gown And Choker

Sofia Vergara has been a host of the NBC reality competition show America’s Got Talent since 2020, which has been helpful in making sure we have a plentiful stream of the vivacious Colombian actress beamed into our homes. Of course, we can…

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See Sofia Vergara In A Stunning Low Cut Gown

Sofia Vergara is one of modern television’s most gorgeous sitcom stars, and she has the robust social media presence to prove it. In a series of posts on Instagram, Sofia Vergara showed off a stunning, deeply low-cut yellow brocaded gown and she…

 916 total views

See Sofia Vergara Looking Steamy In Gold Bra And Panties

There are certain immutable laws of the universe: matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Planck’s constant. And Sofia Vergara always looks fantastic. Though we have been lucky enough to have had Sofia Vergara on our screens pretty much constantly since Modern…

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See Sofia Vergara Show Off A Low-Cut Red Top

Sofia Vergara might have come onto the superstar scene a little later than most other actresses who’ve entered this rarified air, but she’s making the most of her time here for sure. Becoming the highest-paid television actress of all time…

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